“The single most untapped competitive advantage is teamwork.” - Patrick Lencioni

Team Building

Are you a senior leader who wants your team to:

  • Trust one another?

  • Engage in constructive conflict around ideas vs. destructive conflict about personalities?

  • Commit to decisions?

  • Hold one another accountable?

  • Focus on achieving collective results?

Are you an HR executive who is trying to help your organization’s managers:

  • Get off to a strong start with new teams?

  • Create teams that value and fully utilize its members strengths and differences?

  • Address unproductive and/or toxic behaviors among a team?

Team building is a process, and we can help!

Holmes Street Leadership has a variety of solutions, such as:

  • A new manager-team “quick start” facilitation to clarify expectations, identify desired norms and create alignment for moving forward together;

  • A workshop where team members learn about their own and each others’ communication styles and then identify specific strategies for communicating more effectively; and

  • A longer term assessment-driven process to directly address areas of trust, conflict, commitment, accountability and results. 

“Team building” becomes “team coaching” when there is a longer term, facilitated coaching process will help the team practice new skills and ways of being with each other and their stakeholders.

What Clients Say

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